TALKS IN PROGRESS is ending its season with an evening entirely dedicated to MOVIE CLUB, titled Magnificent obsession: passion and cinephile activism in Turin.

Library/Mediatheque – 4 June 2014, 8.30 p.m.

The National Cinema Museum “Mario Gromo” Library/Mediatheque is organising an event-evening to close its TALKS IN PROGRESS cycle, dedicated to the history and experience of the Turin MOVIE CLUB, recounted by those who witnessed that extraordinary cinematographic cultural season, on Wednesday 4 June 2014 at 8.30 p.m.

Attending: Michelangelo Buffa, Steve Della Casa, Giorgio De Silva, Corrado Franco, Oliva Mazzarelli, Gianni Rondolino, Baldo Vallero, Lorenzo Ventavoli. Meeting moderated by: Franco Prono (Turin University).

To follow, screening of a few sequences of the film Al riparo da sguardi indiscreti (Sheltered from indiscreet eyes) by Corrado Franco, Italy 1980, shot at the MOVIE CLUB.