Fifty Years and Counting presents "Selma" by Ava DuVernay.

Cinema Massimo – 13 April 2018, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

The Interuniversity Centre for American and Transatlantic Studies, Turin University, the Piedmont University, the Turin Polytechnic, the Food Science University in Pollenzo, with support from the UCEBI – Christian Evangelical Baptist Union in Italy, the United States of America Consulate in Italy in Milan, are organising Fifty Years and Counting: The Global Memory and Legacy of Martin Luther King, an international studies conference featuring the participation of specialists on American history and culture, fifty years after the demise of Martin Luther King.

The screening of the film Selma by Ava DuVernay at the cinema Massimo is part of this event. Introduced by Marco Mariano (Piero Bairati Interuniversity Centre for American and Transatlantic Studies). To follow, meeting with Giaime Alonge (Turin University).

Admission 6.00/4.00 euro.


Ava DuVernay


(Great Britain 2014, 127’, HD, col., o.v. it.s/t)

In the spring of 1965 a group of demonstrators, guided by the reverend Martin Luther King, chose the small town of Selma in Alabama, in the deep south of the United States, to demonstrate peacefully against the obstacles opposing Afroamerican citizens’ right to vote.