The AMNC is presenting eight video essays recounting Italian cinema For a counter-history of Italian cinema, produced by Filmidee with support from the Compagnia di San Paolo.

Cinema Massimo – 4 November 2017, 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

This project by Filmidee, For a counter-history of Italian cinema, born thanks to a contribution by the Compagnia di San Paolo and presented this year at the Locarno Festival, is proposing a visual itinerary through the secret history of Italian cinema in eight video essays made by eight young aspiring directors flanked within the project by the same number of filmmakers acting as tutors.


Militant practices, genre films, authors to rediscover, stars whose dark side may be explored: the eight works making up the project trace a hardly systematic itinerary, which proceeds along sidetracks, in comparison with the canons of great auteur Italian cinema: it goes from the topicality of Luigi Comencini’s losers to the complex visual-scores of Franco Piavoli; from the subversive force of Roman militant films to the vital despair in Claudio Caligari’s cinema; from the macabre imagery distinguishing Totò’s comic verve to the equally disconcerting one in whodunits by Francesco Barilli; from the visual experimentalism and sophisticated humour of Maurizio Nichetti to the grotesque and satirical view of di Lina Wertmüller.


Saturday 4 November at 8.30 p.m., the eight video essays emerging from the project will be screened on Screen Three at the Cinema Massimo. Admission 4.00 euro.