International Studies Conference on Cines - Pittaluga and the others: the section in Turin dedicated to acting, music and dancing and presentation of the Pittaluga project by the National Cinema Museum.

Library/Mediatheque – 12 December 2017, from 9.30 a.m. onwards – Events Room

The second part of the International Studies Conference on "CINES Pittaluga and the others. Acting, music and dancing” will take place at the Mario Gromo Library/Mediatheque. The initiative promoters are: the “Cinestory” – Consolidate the Foundations 2015 Research Project and the Tor Vergata University of Rome Department of History, Cultural Heritage, Training and Society. The Conference is organised in collaboration with AIRSC- Italian Association for Film History Research, Intesa San Paolo Historical Archive, CRAD – Research Centre on Acting and Stardom, DAMS – University of Turin, National Cinema Museum, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia- National Film Archive Research.


Conference Programme


9.30 a.m.


Board greetings


Donatella Orecchia - Luca Mazzei, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome



Presentation of the National Cinema Museum Pittaluga Project

Presentation of the “Image. Notes on Film History” n. 16 dossier

Before Cinecittà. The Cines - Pittaluga experience (1929-1935)


10.00 a.m. – 1st session

Chair: Giulia Carluccio


Teresa Megale, University of Florence

A glance back and one ahead: Petrolini, commedia dell’Arte and the film camera


Lucia Cardone and Stefania Rimini, University of Sassari and University of Catania

Reflected stars. Valli, De Giorgi and films that talk to the heart


Anna Masecchia, University of Naples

Good for sound! Vittorio De Sica and the advent of sound film


3.00 p.m. – 2nd session

Chair: Donatella Orecchia


Denis Lotti, University of Udine

Crash! Armando Falconi at Cines


Serena Facci, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome


Singing performance at Pittaluga


Giulia Taddeo, University of Bologna

Modern gestures. Cinema as an antidote to the crisis in Italian theatrical dancing


Andrea Scappa, “La Sapienza” University of Rome

Sergio Tòfano, a ‘modern’ actor at Cines