Rio Bravo by Howard Hawks is inaugurating the new season of the Histoire(s) du Cinéma. From silent film to sound cycle.

Cinema Massimo – 27 September 2017, 6.00 p.m. – Screen Three

The programme with classics that the National Cinema Museum and the Humanities Department of Turin University offer every year, linked to film studies, is starting again. An itinerary going back in time within the history of film, for insights into filmic language in its various stages and different ages. Introduction by Giaime Alonge. Admission 4 euro (3 euro for university students).


Howard Hawks

Rio Bravo

(Usa 1959, 141’, Hd, col., o.v. it. s/t)

In Rio Bravo, a small hamlet in Arizona, sheriff John T. Chance is waging open war against the powerful gang of the Burdette brothers. One evening, following a saloon brawl, one of the Burdettes kills a cowboy in cold blood and Chance arrests him. However, he will have to face enemies ready for anything. An allusive comedy, wonderfully camouflaged as a Western.