The HOME VISION(S) showcase is continuing with the house trilogy by Sam Raimi: The evil dead, Evil dead II and Army of darkness.

Cinema Massimo – 31 October 2016, from 6.30 p.m. – Screen Three

The MYLF (Movies You'll Like Festival) group university students are continuing their event by celebrating their home, Screen Three at the Cinema Massimo, with a new showcase: Home Vision(s)At the cinema, as comfy as home.

Fourteen films from September until May, once again with released and unscreened titles coming from various parts of the globe, in a showcase which will be a reflection and an assessment on the theme of Home. Starting from a title recalling the nostalgic past of VHS cassettes and the ease they used to provide, the group will propose a journey from home to home, from country to country, in the most relaxed and comfortable possible manner: a cinema armchair.

A real October horror marathon, dedicated to the house trilogy by Sam Raimi. Admission 3.00 euro, at all screenings.