The October CROSSROADS rendez-vous is tripled. First proposal, Heart of a Dog by Laurie Anderson.

Cinema Massimo – From 1 to 24 October 2016 – Screen Three and Screen One

The Crossroads – Musical journeys season, a rendez-vous dedicated to the stimulating blend of music and cinema, is back, featuring three unmissable dates this month, to satisfy all lovers of this genre.


The first date is on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October, with the world of Laurie Anderson, specifically with Heart of a Dog. Admission 7.50/5.00 euro.

It will continue with an event-evening at Screen One on Saturday 15 October at 9.00 p.m., on the occasion of the 2016 edition of the Festival of Innovation and Science (Settimo Torinese, 15-23 October), with Calibro 35 band accompanying two wonderful films by Méliès live, Le Voyage dans la lune (1902, 15’) and Le Voyage à travers l’impossible (1904, 20’), and the pioneering Paris qui dort (1925, 35’). Admission 10.00 euro. Advance sales open from 1 October, at the cinema box-office and online,


Finally, the “Santorre di Santarosa” Piedmont-Greece Cultural Association will re-propose Andrea Segre’s film Indebito (Rebetiko Crisis: Undue Debt), in collaboration with the Museum, on Monday 24 October at 6.30 p.m. Meeting with the director before the film. Admission 6.00/4.00/3.00 euro.