HISTORY OF DOCUMENTARY FILM is continuing with two dates: the first one is with Chronique d’une été by Morin and Rouch, the second will feature De Brug and Regen by Ivens, Gente del Po by Antonioni and Nuit et brouillard by Resnais.

Cinema Massimo – 1/15 December 2015 - Screen Three

The HISTORY OF DOCUMENTARY FILM. BETWEEN CINEMA AND ANTHROPOLOGY showcase, organised with Visual Anthropology (Department of Cultures, Politics and Society) and Documentary Cinema History (Humanities Department of Turin University) and dedicated to great classics in documentary films, is continuing. The dates in December will be two, the first, with Chronique d’une été (Chronicle of a summer) by Morin and Rouch on Tuesday 1 December at 4.00 p.m., the second, on Tuesday 15 December at 6.00 p.m., will feature De Brug (The bridge) and Regen (Rain) by Ivens, Gente del Po (People of the Po) by Antonioni and Nuit et brouillard (Night and fog) by Resnais.

The screenings are introduced by professors Cecilia Pennacini and Franco Prono. Admission 4 euro (3 euro for university students).