The National Cinema Museum Association presents the final evening of the 4th edition of WORKS IN SHORT.

Cinema Massimo – 24 May 2015, from 8.30 p.m. – Screen Three

Final evening for the 4th edition of the Works in Short. Dreams and Needs of the new Generations cinema competition, addressing under 35 year-olds, promoted by the Riccardo Braghin Association and the National Cinema Museum Association within a network including multiple social and cultural entities.

Throughout the evening, selected films will be shown and the first prize named after Armando Ceste amounting to 1,000 euro will be awarded, as well as the 1,000 euro prize offered by Rai Cinema Channel, the 500 euro prize named after Riccardo Braghin and offered by Tactile Visions, the 300 euro “Dreaming of a real job” prize offered by the “Safety and work” magazine and the Prize in facilities offered by Film Commission Torino Piemonte. Info: Admission free.