A portrait of gentleman filmmaker Paolo Cavara for PRIVATE MEMORIES, with Pietro Cavara and Fabrizio Fogliato, before the screening of …E tanta paura (Plot of Fear - 1976).

Library/Mediatheque – 19 September 2014, 8.30 p.m.

The National Cinema Museum “Mario Gromo” Library/Mediatheque presents an evening-event dedicated to the figure of the eclectic filmmaker Paolo Cavara, on Friday 19 September at 8.30 p.m., through the portrait springing back to life within the volumes Ricordo di un padre. Paolo Cavara, regista gentiluomo (Memories of a father. Paolo Cavara, a gentleman filmmaker) by his son Pietro (Aracne Editors 2014) and Paolo Cavara. Gli occhi che raccontano il mondo (Paolo Cavara. Eyes that tell of the world) by Fabrizio Fogliato (Il Foglio Letterario Editions 2014).

This event is the kick-off for a rich new season for TALKS IN PROGRESS – Books, DVDs and reading novelties.