For the LESSONS ON CINEMA. THE EARLY JEAN-LUC GODARD showcase, film screening of Alphaville, une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution.

Cinema Massimo – 27 March 2013, 6.15 .m., Screen Three

For the new rendez-vous with the LESSONS ON CINEMA. THE EARLY JEAN-LUC GODARD showcase, the National Cinema Museum presents the screening of Godard’s masterpiece Alphaville, une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution (Alphaville), Wednesday 27 March 2013 at 6.15 p.m. on Screen Three at the Cinema Massimo. Admission 4 euro (3 euro for university students).

Created in collaboration with the Chair of Film History and Analysis at the Humanities School (Turin University), concurrently with the Filming a thought in progress. The early cinema of Jean-Luc Godard course held by Silvio Alovisio, the showcase features four weekly rendez-vous with as many masterpieces by the father of the Nouvelle Vague, presented on recently restored prints in digital.