Last rendez-vous for THE BOGART CULT showcase with the film screening of The African queen by John Huston. Introduced by Nicolò Vigna.

Library/Mediatheque – 25 March 2013, 3.30 p.m.


New rendez-vous for THE BOGART CULT showcase with the film screening of The African queen by John Huston, on Monday 25 March 2013, at 3.30 p.m., in the events room at the Library/Mediatheque. Introduced by:Roberta Pozza.

THE BOGART CULT showcase is part of a series of events including a retrospective at the Cinema Massimo and a seminar for university students, with Giulia Carluccio and Matteo Pollone in charge of the main organisation, dedicated to the Hollywood actor Humphrey Bogart. This showcase at the “Mario Gromo” Library/Mediatheque, by the curator group “Sperduti nel buio”, features some of the most significant films performed by the actor between the Forties and the Fifties.